Wednesday, October 24, 2007

real love never fails... morning devo hit me in the heart! It was AMAZING! (on so many different levels...truly amazing and spoke HUGE to my heart this morning!) it was about true love and commitment and that they are both choices that we make on a daily basis.

After a long, hard look at some struggles Greg and I were having a couple weeks back w/ each other (mostly communication stuff) and some feelings towards our church...this devotional hit home for me. I totally understand the fact that our love for people and places and things should not collapse in hard times. True love and commitment is strong and unconditional!

The piece by Mary Southerland, points out that commitment is foreign in today's culture. We want everything to be easy, painfree, happy, and convenient! (That's total BS!) ...just like the myth of's supposed to be a "happy" struggles, no worries...yeah right! :)

Our Love and Commitment to things and people is what makes us stronger! It's easy to just walk away from difficult situations and relationships. Commitment never stops trying! True love looks past the "current circumstances" and locks its gaze in on the "PROMISE"

(read jeremiah 29:11-12)

God promises that he knows what's best for us...he has plans to prosper us and not harm us...we need to trust in Him and put Him first...He never walked away from us, and I know taht I'm not that easy to love...hands down!

1 Corinthains 13:8 - "real love never fails"

Today, I thank God for saving my life and for His faithfulness to me. Today, I thank my husband, Greg for not bailing on me when I'm tough to love (which is a lot of the time). Today, I thank my friends and family for not leaving me when the going gets tough and I'm in a negative mood. I am thankful to be surrounded by people who love me and are committed to me! I am truly blessed!

Father, help me to make real love and commitment a heart habit! I want to be strong in my faith to You and to others...thank you for your perfect example of love! :O)

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