Thursday, July 26, 2007

my first post

well, here it first post! i thought i'd try out a new site to post my blogs...the myspace thing wasn't cutting it for me.

so, the end of summer is approaching and we just returned from a long weekend trip to gaylord for my dad's surprise 60th (oh what a blast!) and we have one final hoorah before school begins and things settle back into normality around the thompson household. we are taking a trip to leelanau state park in northport, is a rustic campground and so far, it is our favorite place we've found for family camping! we are taking our 3 kiddos along w/ a few college/somethings from UG...should be fun times and so far, the weather looks to be BEAUTIFUL! (i will post more on our excursion when we return)

on a personal note...i'm very excited and nervous all at the same time...i'm pursing my degree AGAIN...after 7 years of being a stay at home mom...i'm looking forward to this new season in my life and hope to approach it w/ a boldness like never before...i am an intelligent person, who's eager to finish something i've already started. this has been a humbling experience for me to say the least...i had to pick up my transcripts from michigan state university the other day, only to be reminded of my OLD self and the horrible memories that come along w/ my first attempt at college...all the partying, screwing around, skipping classes, etc that i did...YUCK, how embarassing! anyways, i guess on the positive side of things it is only a reminder of where i've come from and the changes that have taken place in my life...for which i am very thankful! i am a NEW person in Christ and i am pursuing this goal w/ a freshness that is ALWAYS exciting! so pray for the best and i will too...only God knows what the road will hold, but i claim it will be a road of excitement & fulfillment! (yes, it will be hard...i have a hubby & 3 kiddos that i need to tend to first, but this is my dream and i am striving HARD!)

on another personal note...i am in a tough spot right now...seeing good friends move on to new jobs, new homes, new cities, & new states...i understand the whole truth of "He gives and takes away" but why does it have to happen ALL at once!? i've crawled into my hole over the past month or so, really trying to figure it all out...silly me! i'll never figure it out, but for some reason i feel as though i'm hiding out or something...trying to make sense of it all. again, the positive side is that God's way is alwas best and if i truly believe that, then the best is yet to come! :) i'm trying hard to smile today, but it's worth it...the power of a positive attitude!!! :)