Monday, January 12, 2009

throwing away the key to lies...

Back to school...Spring 2009 is in full swing! :)
As I opened my online course information for my World Civilization to 1600, I began to realize that this would be a long semester course for me.  I'm not much of a history buff...especially ancient history!  (However, Greg eats this stuff up...he's a nerd about history.)  Anyways, as I read through my course syllabus and requirements, I noticed that there will be much discussion on the history of religion.  My professor is of Middle Eastern descent and is a practicing Muslim.  I read on and discovered that much of our semester learning will be on Globalization and Universalism...two things that God's word warns us about!!!  I began to struggle with the thought of taking this course vs. dropping it due to its content...
I finished by printing off the 1st month's worth of readings and assignments and went on with my morning routine...well kinda routine, Micah doesn't go back to school until Wednesday! ;)

So, on with my "routine" up, my morning devotional led online by "Girlfriends in God."
The verse of the day = "We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ."  2 Corinthians 10:5

WOW!  I just LOVE how God knows our days and our "routines" before they even take place!  He knew that I was going to struggle with the thought of pursuing this class and He knew that I needed a reminder of His word...

I have prayed through my morning devo and have prayed over my textbook and course syllabus and I am pursuing this course for Spring 2009 with God's help and strength and wisdom and TRUTH, I will complete this course and cling to His word!  (who knows, maybe God will allow my discussion forums to breathe His truth into this course and into our professor's life.)

I have placed this verse in my book and also in my folder for this a reminder that His word is TRUE and this class is only a small requirement for my schooling.  I pray that this semester will be an area of learned lessons...of taking each thought captive and making it true to Christ!

And I say it again...
I WILL... demolish arguments and every petition that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.  
2 Corinthians 10:5 NIV

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