Sunday, December 2, 2007

seven years & still in love...

today is our 7 year anniversary! we feel so thankful for the past 7 years we've shared...both the good times and the not so good...we have grown sooo much in our love towards God, our love towards each other, and beyond!!! God has blessed our marriage more than I would have ever imagined!!! i hope and pray that more people in this world would know the love that we share! We chose to love each other 7+ years ago...and there were days that were hard to keep the joy & passion, however...I am thankful that God chose to love us first and that Greg chooses to love me more & more every day...I'm a SUPER blessed girl and I LOVE my 'professional scuba diver' more than anyone (but God) will ever know! :)

Greg and I have a tradition of 'taking turns' in planning our anniversary celebration. This year was Greg's turn...he did an AMAZING job!!! With gas prices outrageously HIGH and limited time to be away without the kiddos, he planned a romantic getaway to The Kellogg Center in EL...we had a WONDERFUL dinner at The State Room, then chocolates/strawberries and a FREE movie in our room...then another amazing meal...breakfast at the State Room before heading out to do some Christmas shopping...oh the sacrifices he makes for me! Shopping among a million other holiday shoppers...I love to Shop...Greg does NOT, but on our anniversary weekend he went along w/ me anyways...what a sweetheart! ;)

It was a GREAT weekend celebrating 7 years!!! I'm looking forward to planning our 8 year celebration next year! :)

be loved & be love,
1 Corinthains 13:13


Mark and Jen said...

Yay 7 years!! Thats crazy! Im glad you guys had an awesome time. I say it every time but we miss you guys a lot. I think about you so much. I hope we see you soon. Mark is going full time in January we are super excited!! Finally where we want to be. God is so good to us. How is Underground going??'s a beautiful day! :) said...

underground is going well! we had an AWESOME night last night..."themeal"...our demo has changed a bit...mostly grad students and newlyweds, etc...but still sooo fun! we had a group of 25 + last night for food and then headed over to the new 'bucks where andrew & erin work now...near frandor, on saginaw. we bought drinks for was a blast! we miss you guys too! LOTS! we're hoping to head out that way in a coulpe weeks...actually wondering if you'd like to join us!? we're having a ladies night out in GR! food and coffe and maybe some dancing and.or ice skating! would you be interested??? friday, dec. 21st! give me a call or shoot me an email! love ya and miss you too! :) take care and tell mark CONGRATS!!! how exciting is THAT!? Go God! :)

Mark and Jen said...

Yea I would love to! I will double check dates...who is going that I know? Im glad things are going well!