Thursday, October 18, 2007

smiling friends vs.barking dogs

thinking today about what amazing friends i have...i'm so blessed!
friends that smile & speak words of encouragement to me rather than harsh words and friends are beautiful examples to me!

my hope today is to be a better friend, wife, mom, and person...speaking words that build people up rather than tear them down. my hope is to be a person that brings light as i enter a room and not a dark cloud...i want to spread joy and peace and happy days to those i encounter...i want to be conscious of my words and even my thoughts...that they are ALWAYS positive & encouraging! (i know that sometimes harsh words are needed, but let them be honest words spoken out of love, not judgement!)

this is my prayer for today...

ephesians 4:29 says:
do not let any unwholesome talk come from my mouth, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen .

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